WHAT IF … What if EVERYTHING you see around you, and certainly your perception and interpretation of it, is 100% YOUR creation, in effect 100% your ‘doing’? What if everything you see is actually coming from you, not happening to you, which is life’s biggest trick? Life’s biggest optical delusion. If this rings true withContinueContinue reading “ACCESSING THE POWERFUL, BENEVOLENT CREATOR WITHIN: 3 STEP PROGRAM”

YOU CANNOT HEAL THAT WHICH YOU DO NOT LOOK AT Given that the natural way for the habitual mind-body to go is to avoid pain and seek pleasure, that keeps one locked into a limited cycle of seeking and avoidance, subtle as those patterns may be. You will constantly seek to do things that make youContinueContinue reading


Breath has the same root as Spirit (eg. inspire). Breath, in and of itself, away from the clutter and noise of thinking, is a wonderful force for healing. In fact it can cut right through the suffering that thinking creates. It could be said that breath, again in and of itself, IS the bridge to theContinueContinue reading “BREATHE”


Locate the infinite point of Light/Love within yourself the point that connects you to the All of Love. For when you do its Light magnifies as does the Love you feel. Like a magnet it will attract even more Love to it. All fears and weakness can be breathed into this Light to be completelyContinueContinue reading “THE INFINITE POINT OF LOVE WITHIN”


A GOOD EXERCISE WITH BREATHBreath is used in many forms of spiritual health. Breath has the same root as ‘spirit’ as in ‘inspire’ and it is said to be our bridge to the Divine. That certainly feels true in my experience.It is our cluttered and pernicious minds that keep us from experiencing Divinity, or ourContinueContinue reading “Breathe”